New Enterprise studios presents
How much exciting new music has been created over the last troubling year that is not being heard because of inability to perform publicly? How many songs missed on the endless lists of Spotify?
We want to help spread the word about some of the amazing music people have been creating and because we can't invite you into the studio right now - through this competition we are offering two winners (one National and one International) FREE music videos!
We have an amazing crew on stand by to film. Awesome judges waiting to hear your music. Across Space and Time. More details below.
Final Submission Deadline:
Some songs are worth seeing
Music Videos help promote you and make your song stand out!
Read the Official Press Release
To keep updated
Follow our social media links below!
entering the sixth dimension
New Enterprise Studios in association with Dead Reel Films have produced several music videos and filmed live events with bands such as Bumblefoot, Little Ceasar, Kilonova, Lords of Ruin, Trevor Sewell and The one offs.
Based in Sunderland, UK, NES provides studio space, audio recording, filmmaker services and more – as well as producing their own content.
Every song submitted will:
Be judged and receive feedback
Available to submit to other Festivals on FilmFreeway
- Receive Radio play on Nova Radio
- Have the oppurtunity to be included in future Media
Lockdowns, distance, time, money. All factors which hinder musicians from having Professional Music Videos created for them. We are taking all of those things out of the equation.
You send your music. Our panel of judges listens. We air them on Nova Radio FM (a UK based internet radio station with thousands of listeners) and we pick our favorites and create content for them.
Entries are made via FilmFreeway – An Internationally acclaimed gateway for filmmakers and festivals and events.
To enter: Create an account on the FilmFreeway website and then create a Project. Choose this to be SONG/MUSIC. Add as many details as you can about yourself/band, etc. And upload your song.
Once your project is complete, choose to submit to our Sixth Dimension festival and pay the entry fee via Credit, Debit or PayPal – and you are IN!
Your project on FilmFreeway can be submitted to other festivals as well, opening more horizons for your music!
The winning groups will get:
International winner – A music video created by NES, using an original concept we have designed and incorporating the winning artists into the video via footage gathered through online meetings.
National winner – A music video created by NES, in our Studio, with the artists invited to work the concept and film in person together. After Lockdown has ended.
International runner-up – A Lyric music video created by NES.
National runner-up – A Lyric music video created by NES.
ALL Artists who submit music will get airtime on Nova Radio FM! And maybe some surprises!

Alex Kennedy
2021 UKs Runner's Up - Alex James

Announcing THE SIXTH DIMENSION competition
First unveiling of Judging panel and reveal of competition.

Open for Entries - Super Early Bird
Artists can now submit their songs - as many as they want - into the competition via FilmFreeway for just £10 per song (£7.50 for Gold Members)
Submissions are handled by the FilmFreeway Website.

Second submission phase - First Entry Deadline
The super early price per entry is replaced by a First Entry price of £10 per song entry (£8 for Gold members)
Third submission phase - Second Entry Deadline
The First Entry price per entry is replaced by a Second Entry price of £20 per song entry (£15 for Gold members)
Late submissions
The Second Entry price per entry is replaced by a Last submission entry cost of £25 per song entry (£20 for Gold members)
Last Chance Deadline
The Last Submission price per entry is replaced by a Last Chance entry cost of £40 per song entry (£30 for Gold members)
Submissions are closed
Now our judges will listen through all the entries and short list for the winners circle.
Winners announced!
We've listened to everything and we've picked the winners! They will be listed on our website, FilmFreeway and each winner connected personally.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can enter the competition?
The competition is opened to all ages, genres, solo artists/bands, in any length under 10 minutes per song – however the submitter must own the rights to the music they are submitting, otherwise the consent of content owners is required) and accepts submissions from May 28th, 2022 to November 30th, 2022. For the first two months, early bird admission fees will be capped at £10 per song, rising to £20 per song from July 30th, 2022. This will rise from September 17th 2022 to £25 per song. Last entry fees will be set from October 22nd, 2022 at £40 and for the remainder of the entry period thereafter. Artists are encouraged to enter as many songs as they wish for the duration of the contest.
Any lyrics contained within the works must be sung in English.
Entry details
From May 28 to November 30 – Entries will be made via FILMFREEWAY a website which handles festivals from around the world.
Anyone may enter with a song – or multiple songs – of any genre (submitter must own or share the rights to the works submitted) To be eligble for the runner up prizes – songs must have lyrics in English.
Where/when will winners be announced?
All winners will be notified by email, listed on our website and FilmFreeway by December 20th 2022.
What are the dates?
Entries will open from May 28th 2022 and will cost £10 per song.
July 30th 2022 – the cost per song for admin will rise to £20 per song.
September 17th 2022 – the cost per song for admin will rise to £25 per song.
October 22nd 2022 – the cost per song for admin will rise to £40 per song.
Entries will close November 30th 2022.
Short lists will be announced soon after and the winners announced on December 20th 2022.
Which genres are accepted?
Any genre of music is accepted. Though, any songs which contain offensive lyrics such as cursing, racism, sexism, etc. Will not be shared – additionaly while we will accept instrumentals, only songs with lyrics sung in English will be considered for the runner up prizes.
What will happen to my music entry?
Any songs submitted will be reviewed by our judging panel and also included on broadcasts on Nova Radio FM during the length of the competition.
After winners are announced and notified by Email, all other entries will be notified their music will not be shared to anyone else or reused without prior consent granted by the license holder.
All rights are retained by the original license holder, no ownership of copyright is lost by entering this competition. You do not sign over your works.
Got anything to say?
Got a question about the competition, or to be kept updated with news about it? Please use the form to the side here and get in touch today.