Must include minimum ONE of these phrases within the film title:
- … In search of…
- … Alone in the…
- … Lost…
- … all over…
- … Chocolate factory…

Must include a minimum of TWO lines of dialogue to choose from:
- “There she/he blows”
- “Mash that potato”
- “Feet glorious feet”
- “Calm is what I want!”
- “Dark horse”
- “I just can’t get my head that far up my own butt”
- “Notice me!”
- “Just dust it off and it’ll be fine”
- “I blame Glenn”
- “Like the bible – but better!”
- “I came, I saw”
- “That is its home”
- “Gator chum”
- “The Citizen Kane of…”
- “Fubar”
- “Wouldn’t you know who won the pony?”
- “Spin me round sugar”
- “You take the high, I’ll take the low”
- “You might feel a little prick”
- “Most egregious”
- “You gotta get chilli in ya”
- “What is he/she/they playing at?”
- “So Morose”
- “What in God’s name?!”
- “In Disbelief”
- “Slap co.”
- “Wow, now that’s a big (BLANK)”
- “The word chalet”
- “Gotta fled”
- “And that will ruin your whole day”
- “Pooped”
- “Bucky beaver lookin’ mofo”
- “Sit doggy sit, good dog”
- “A great many number of things”
- “Check is in the mail”
- “Slander salamander”

Items/ Objects/ Animals/ People
Must include a minimum of TWO Items/objects/animals/people:
- An acoustic guitar
- A shark
- A sledge hammer
- A bicycle
- Bacon (cooked/uncooked, real or fake)
- A palm plant
- A bowl of baked beans
- Flip Flops
- A mirror
- A shotgun
- A Bottle opener
- Sunglasses/glasses
- A camera
- A horseshoe
- A dog
- A teddy bear
- A drill
- A lawn mower
- A clown
- A gold watch
- A fedora
- A whiteboard/chalkboard/corkboard
- A colander of spaghetti
- A hung portrait of a ship at sea
- Armor (of any kind)
- An ID card
- Vibrating speakers
- A film poster (bonus if the movie doesn’t exist)
- Push pins
- A religious text
- A backwards baseball cap
- A shiny balloon
- A golden ring
- A wrestler (in any form)
- A jack-o-lantern
- A severed digit

Shots/ Actions/ Sequences
Must include a minimum of ONE Shots/Actions/sequences:
- An upside-down shot
- An animated character or segment (hand animated/stop motion/CGI)
- Someone performing a push up
- Rain on a sunny day
- A cartwheel
- Running backwards (person/time/footage/sound)
- An internal shot (e.g. from inside a fridge looking out)
- Gargling
- An unexpected, unexplained fart
- An explosion (of something OTHER than fire/flames)
- A drone shot
- A split-diopter shot (can be faked in post)
- Spinning tires
- Mimicking playing air instruments
- An object breaking in slow motion
- A long zoom
- Waves crashing
- Turning a radio off/on
- Liquid coming out of someone’s nose
- A prism of light
- Splashing
- A forced perspective shot
- Moving shadows across an object
- A deliberate audio mistake (cat barking, dog meowing, etc)
- Clouds across the moon
MUSIC Preview and download individual tracks below – Music include some part of at least ONE of these Music choices:
The boring stuff aka Rules
1. No person employed by New Enterprise Studios may enter the competition.
2. You can enter as many films as you choose, each entry will incure a £5 charge.
3. Judges decision is final for the competition.
4. The audience award will be voted on and presented during the Film night to be held on the 11th June 2022.
5. Prizes hold no monitary value and cannot be traded for phyiscal money.
6. Winners of the competition must use the prize awarded within 1 year of the competition winner being announced.
7. Additional services used by the winners during redemption of the prize are chargeable at the rates applicable at the time of use.
8. All work must be original content and must contain all relevant permissions both from actors and locations.
9. Extra value will be given to those films that have included the majority of the items listed from all four categories.
11. All films must be no longer than 10 minutes in length including credits.
12. Enjoy yourself.